Multiple Toymakers 2005 and Beyond toy series was mentioned on the blog recently by myself and WOTAN. I personally don't have any of these toys but here are a few piccies I have in my archive from Ebay et al. Presumably Multiple Toymakers recycled Golden Astronaut sets and Missile Launchers to create this range but I'm guessing. I assume they are relatively rare in the overall SpaceX canon? WOTAN recently informatively blogged the following:
2005 & Beyond were Multiple Toymakers retooled ships. Different from standard SPacex in that they left out the more complicated bits of the molding such as the launchers or the cones on the nacelles of SPace Patrol (yes there was one!) Had the Spacex logo removed too, but left behind the little rectangle on which it sat.
Wotan wades in: heres a shot of the 'space patrol' - Ive got both carded sets and as you can see, the production values have gone out the window. It came with no nacelle cones and no provision for missile launch tubes,
The rocket from the 2005 boxed set is a re-used one from another MTM product, the Army Srtike Force as seen above and also in the Plaidstallions site
There's lots more Multiple Toymakers sets in their catalogue on the supercool Plaidstallions site. [There appear to be both white and blue rockets in the V-shaped windows of the boxed sets]
Here are a few more cool Multiple Toymakers toys including beautiful looking Kung Fu sets and a lovely Trailer Camp carded set of cars, which would look great parked around their Golden Astronaut range!