Whilst pondering Wotan's brilliant Space Station post earlier today and what would be the best SWORD version here's some monumentally cosmic rock to help massage your synapses. Courtesy of You Tube, here's the first bit of 2112 by RUSH, Canadian rockers par excellence who straddled the Seventies rock scene like a long-haired colossus.
2112 is the story of a malconted young man living in a dystopian society a thousand years in the future run by the all-powerful Priests of Syrynx. As befits a 1970's rock concept album, the young hero chances upon a guitar thrown away by someone years ago. Music had been banned for centuries but our young 'guitarist' wants to share his miraculous find with the elder Priests and the people. The Priests have other ideas and destroy the instrument. Trapped by a tyrannical Federation and distraught with grief our hero takes his own life at the very moment an interstellar war breaks out promising the perhaps the changes he so craved. You can read more about the album's roots in objectivist philosophy on Wikepedia. I also like to think that the same space-infused world view from the late Sixties and into Seventies that gave us SWORD also gave us concept rock like 2112. Get that air-geetar out!