Reader Ferryman has kindly sent me pictures of his rare 2001 Space Odyssey toy collectables. Ferryman explains "In case you don't know about the Twinch Squad suits [pictured above and two close-ups below], they were hand made to order in Spain in 2001. Forbidden Planet even had some in stock for a very limited time. They sold quickly! The boxes are also hand made and are simply plain black on the outside. Suits came in Red, Yellow and Blue and there are reports of the silver version but I've not seen evidence of it."
"The original Madelman suit is unlicensed but actually says Astronauta - 2001 on the side of the box. The reissued version [pictured two down]was released by Altaya in Spain in about 2005 and was only available as part of a magazine collection. These are already very sought after."
Ferryman has also sent these pictures of his Aifix Orion box and blister-carded Japanese 2001 tri-jet of unknown make. Wonderful! Thanks for sharing Ferryman!
I have found this Madelman variation in my photo archive. It appears to be licensed as MGM's logo is on the box. I love the Robert McCall 2001 Space Station art used for the backing. Wonder what's on the rear of the box? I'm unaware of the origin of this picture so I apologise if it is yours [do let me know].