I'm always on the lookout for miniature lookalikes of SWORD craft, especially ones not yet found in the cool mini fleet from Japan tracked down by toyhounds Terry and Wote. So I was chuffed to chuffington when I saw these wunderbar little Saturn Fives in an old Cragstan game called Ring-A-Rocket on fleadlebay. Not perfect I know and it's hard to be sure of their size but they might just do until the real thing turn up! Below are the same in detail.
On a similarly diminutive note here we have a small lot of missiles and rockets courtesy of fleabay. Notice the white deltoid winged craft bottom right? Probe Force One-esque perhaps? I love the little red Gemini capsule. And Lo! is that a push-down pen clicker I see to the right!?
And I couldn't not include this fleabay bundle of fun with the cool Thunderbird 3 half-sister on the right! hey, what's that Gnome doing in there?$5^! Maybe that's his Hot Rod?
Finally we have a couple more modern miniature plastic playthings, which just have SPACEX written allover them!
Eh, Voila!