Like many Sixties anklebiters I spent hours with mates and on my Jack perfecting my Corgi Rockets tracks. No chair or bookcase in the family home was safe from bright orange tracks being clamped to them to form the high starting line of the Preston Grand Prix! But it was those American 'usurpers', muscling their way in with their exposed engines and sleek lines, that went to the top of the automotive tree. Yes, I'm talking about Mattel's HotWheels. I just loved everything about them - the red lined wheels, the bubble cards and the cool thin metal badge!
One of my all-time fave HotWheels was the Beatnik Bandit [pictured on the badge above]. Straight out of Big Daddy Ed Roth's mental garage, Beatnik had the looks and the speed. Thrills were guaranteed when pitted against the Rockets Todd Sweeney! It also looked like the Spacex Cricket too!
So I was amazed when I saw a plastic version of the Beatnik car by none other than Durham, they of the One-Off Green SWORD Space Glider and neighbours of Tarheel in North Carolina. Bootiful!
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