This is a small gallery of pictures from the 1968 book 'ROCKETS, MISSILES AND SPACECRAFT' [Odhams]. The top shot of a Martin Lifting Body is by US Space ace Rober McCall [can't locate the full painting though?]. The only other signed art is the excellent attacking chopper by 'Roy Gunnell' [nothing on him online!]. I particularly like the dramatic birds-eye drawing of a Saturn V and the hammering astronaut could be off the cover of the SWORD annual! I couldn't pass-up including the 'Multivator' life detector [I might try it on me!] - class! The final picture of the moonbase includes a cameo of a cutesy yellow, white and red Scramble Bug, which I've seen before but just can't think where? Time for a beer - oops, too early - make that a coffee!
PS. Can't quite believe where the book was printed - Karl Marx Works, East Germany - at the height of the Space Race with the Soviets!