This red LP Space Rocket recently appeared on Ebay UK. In nice shape it's complete with it's nose antenna and spacewalking astronaut. What's interesting, as spotted by Ferryman, is that's its a colour reversal of his own version posted last year (below).
Now I can see the nose antenna on the red rocket it's clear it's the same one used on the head of LP's unusual Astronaut (courtesy of Ferryman). But just what are those pistols he's brandishing? flare guns?
And looking again I see that the Astronaut's biro top-like back retro's are the same as those on JR21's X-50 Space Racer below (courtesy of Ferryman).
Stop Press! the unstoppable WOTAN has spotted that the same silver antenna also appears on the white cruiser rocket in the Apollo Moon Exploring series (pictured above). Did LP and Imperial share parts/moulds or is coincidence?
The LP Moon Explorer Car below is one of my favourite SWORD lookalikes (Moonbus) and was one of the first space toys I came across on the net back in the early 1990's, whilst searching the encyclopeadic Gasoline Alley Antiques. This one below belongs to Ferryman and I can't help noticing that the spaceman clinging to the lunar surface is of the same type as that pictured in the Kellogg's Rice Krispies offer pictured below and kindly supplied by the Philosophic Toad last year.