Last week I spent a highly enjoyable hour reading about Mike Delamar's wonderful Scratchbiulding a Thunderbirds Fire Engine project on the brilliant Space 1999 Eagle Transporter Forum. I am both in awe and inspired by Mike, a real friendly guy, in equal measure and have resolved to start my own 'pet' project, which has been languishing on the 'drawing board' for ages: to biuld the Project Sword Moonbase!
You fool I hear you cry! I agree! The obstacles are great and many, the greatest of which are my lamentabley 'green' modelling 'skills' (a virgin solder!) followed closely by the lack of authentic Project Sword Moonbase imagery - the only real drawing is in the Official Manual (top pic) supplemented by the odd TV21 comic strip appearance (bottom pic). There are some similar moonbase artworks by the great Ed Valigursky on the net, but these can only be viewed as background material really.
So, with super-glued hands and dedicated to virgin solders everywhere, I set off to discover the dark secrets of the fabled Moonbase! Watch this space (or not)!