Ever since I read in Dennis Nicholson's seminal Guide to Gerry Anderson Memorabilia about Imai Bases I've been in love with them. I don't own any but I just adore the artwork, particularly of the SWORD vehicles. Above are a selection. The top picture of the UFO Big Base is from Modern Fred's excellent Flickr album. The Prospector picture is of the UFO Starbase 1. The bottom two pictures are courtesy of William0099 on the Space 1999 Eagle Transporter Forum. They are scans from what is obviously a wonderful book about the main Imai artist and his work. The one with the base module is UFO Starbase 4. The bottom pic is UFO Attack Unit. I've found a link to this book and many other juicy Japanese Anderson tomes here.
There's an earlier bloglet on Imai Bases here.