These toys are a really odd combination of subscale Playmobil- like figures and various other toys which seem to have been cobbled together from other lines. I bought a set blind on ebay about a year ago, quite cheaply. Blind as I had only a tiny preview pic to go by and virtually no info - and i'd seen other small pics on the net before. When the box arrived, it was quite large - about 1 inches square - and it contained about six figures, each about two thirds the height of a standard Playmobil. Figures are articulated and had loads of gadgets and wepons, a small bike to ride and various parts of cardboard scenery base, supported by plastic girders.
Also in the box was a really badly cast hollow Thunderbird One in bright chrome plastic. Best of all though were the spaceship and 'Molab' vehicle (pictured) - the construction isn't great, the windows don't close properly and parts fall off easily, but the basic design is quite good. What really floated my boat were the wheels on the rover - very spacex/nasa like!
All in all Coman Boys are a bit of a curiosity and not worth spending much time hunting down, but a fun toy if you can get one cheaply.
These little fellas remind me of Action Jack figures - I'm pretty sure there was an Astronaut too. Good one Wotanater - from the Conan Boys!