In April 1983 the British comic Look-In ran a storyline, in it's Star Fleet strip, involving what SWORD fans would recognise as a Nuclear Ferry, nearly twenty years after appearance as a C21 toy. The strip was illustrated by the brilliant Mike Noble, who is well-known to fans of TV21. The entire Star Fleet Look-In strip is avaialble to view online over at the excellent Star Fleet X Bomber webpage created by superfan DJ Dust. I contacted DJ and asked if I could post the April strips depicting the Nuclear Ferry [called a 'Tanker'] who replied as follows:
Hi Woodsy
Thanks for the email, and when I say that, I actually really mean it. I
find these days that people just take stuff off web sites and pass it off as
their own and if you ask them about it, get incredibly defensive and
rude!! I've got no problem at all with you borrowing anything you want from
F-Zero-One. Help yourself mate... :)
DJ Dust
Some of you may remember in January this year generous blog readers clubbed together to buy Wotan an original page of Mike Noble artwork from the Star Fleet strip for his 50th Birthday from The Book Palace. Like an episode from the Twilight Zone, Wote blogged about Mike Noble's Star Fleet last Christmas, not knowing he would be the owner of the original art a month later! The Book Palace still have original Star Fleet art for sale should you wish to dream!
So, what do you think of Mike Noble's version of the Nuclear Ferry?