Shortly after I began to read the american micronauts comic, I came across an advert for new figures in the Micronauts line. These three had not appeared on any of the leaflets or packages I had so far come across and seemed to be destined for american release only. These three were Repto, Membros and Antron and were strange aliens with cyborg weapon attachments on their arms. The advert was as close as I would get for a number of years until I was able to see the real figures on the web. Then, it was a case of the doors of perception being blown wide open - after i came across the figures, i found the original packaging and this was in itself almost as exciting as the toys themselves.
ANTRON - courtesy Innerspaceonline |
It wasnt just the fact that I could see the packaging for toys that I had desired for years, but the rendition of the artwork was stunning. As it transpired, the artist behind the paintings was
Ken Kelly, a man who had studied at the hand of Frank Frazetta and had created covers for monster mags such as Eerie and Vampirella.
Of the eight original paintings created by Kelly, seven are
actually on ebay right now..
The eighth is in the hands of a micronaut collector: see the story here:
But for now and before I reveal the toys themselves, see the awesome artwork itself...
I can tell you from experience, Micronauts were not easy to get in America either.It seems there were many late shipments and shortages in stock.My parents still tell me(35 years later)that Christmas 1977 was a nightmare for them because they had to drive hundreds of miles to get Micronauts for me.Catalog companies were out of stock and, of course,no internet back then.But the good news is my well-kept collection is still around and appreciating in value.By time the Invaders(or Aliens)came out I was getting a little too old for toys,but I bought Repto and Hornetroid anyway because they were such unique,beautiful toys!