As usual wanting to scratchbuild a SpaceX toy is not the same as actually doing it.
Working against limited skills, a lack of patience and over-excitement, here's my progress so far on making a model of the gorgeous and bright red Spacex II Crash Tender.
Here's the original backing card illustration
[that's all there is. No toy has ever been found!]
So, first up I raided the lego box [cheat!]
Then began the odd body shape with takeaway tray plastic.
getting carried away I forgot to take a snap until I'd nearly finished the main body!
The front grey TB2-like cockpit is half a deo stick lid; the black tank is a Stardrops top cut to size; the ladder and front struts are pegs [thanks Wotan!] and the wheel guards are card [I lost patience here and messed up a bit!]. The hardest part was the thingy just in front of the tank, a sort of upturned T device. Mines a mess but paint will hopefully smooth it out!
Intermission: I'm seeing LAMA's everywhere!
See what I mean!
Its a permanent LAMA!
and so back to tender work:
The first coat of fire engine red!
Its drying now.