Continuing with my custom Lincoln Victim project, I've had a crack at two more DIY figures.
The Bride of Frankenstein and Dracula's Daughter.
What do you reckon readers?
Continuing with my custom Lincoln Victim project, I've had a crack at two more DIY figures.
The Bride of Frankenstein and Dracula's Daughter.
What do you reckon readers?
An odd one this, even for MC; on one of our summer car boot trips a stallholder was giving away hundreds of random old prints collected over years. This is the one I liked as it seemed interesting, although it is a mystery as to who is on it.
[It sort of reminded me of an old horror movie, Bucket of Blood, about a beatnik sculptor maniac!].
This mystery print shows a sculptor at work with a man sitting and another man watching. The sculptor has a distinct Zapata moustache and goatee beard.
The back of the print is what I assume to be the photographer's address in Glasgow.
I really like all these vehicle designs.
Long and sleek. Which is your favourite?
Damnation Alley's Landmaster
How Wheels Hot Lines
Ark II
2001 Moon Bus [Matte Shot]
I missed it again! Razorback, the Oz shocker that our very own Looey worked on!
It was showing earlier this month at The Leeds Weird of Oz segment of the Film Festival and I didn't know!
Still on my bucket list!
This space plane design surfaced allover the place back in the day. Most well-known is the Blue Box version and it also emerged as a Blakes 7 space toy seen on MC before.
One of my favourite variations is this Lincoln International rendition. The rear fins are longer and the whole look is sleeker.
The sparking Space Patrol.