I published my latest book exactly one year ago!
"Toy Bunnies on Plastic Scooters"
Its been 8 years in the making! I started it after publishing my last effort, The Art of SWORD.
It was fun to research and I'm glad its published now.
It's published and available through online self-publishing outlet Blurb
Here's just three of the 40 pages.
Our own Bill B took some of the photo's.
Its more expensive than I would have liked but that's Blurb publishing I'm afraid.
I've reduced the page number by half since I got my proof copy last month, so its now a slimmer coffee table book and as a result a bit less pricey.
If any of you should wish to check my book out further on Blurb then here's the link:
Should anyone want to purchase this book after you see Blurb's prices then don't forget to use Blurb's current offer promo code if there is one in your country when you get into the BLURB website. Just google it.
By all means ask me anything you want about how this thing came about or what it covers.