Dame Vera Lynn - The Lledo Model
British singer Dame Vera Lynn died on 18th June 2020, aged 103. During WW2 she was known as the Forces Sweetheart, as she sang and broadcast to Allied troops around the world.
In the 1990s Lledo used her nick-name for a set of five models depicting singers and actresses from the early 1940s. Vera Lynn being the only British star in the series.
All the models were based on Lledo model DG52, the 1935 Morris Parcels Van, which is mainly metal with only a few plastic parts. Model length 92 mm. Each vehicle was painted a different colour, with a black chassis and mudguards, and carried a head and shoulders portrait of the star on each side, using a very limited palette.
This meant that each colour had to be used for several different parts of the picture, which resulted in Betty Grable, probably the most famous blonde in Hollywood at the time, having light blue hair. That is just weird. The series title was carried on a heart on the cab roof.
All the models came in a standard Lledo window box, with header, and a brief historical note on the back.
The series was not as well done as many other Lledo sets, but I am fond of it, as it was collecting these models (as well as those from the Goodnight Sweetheart series) that introduced me to die-cast collecting in the 1990s.
The models were numbered in the Lledo Promotional series. The first two digits identify the casting, and the last three digits the finish.
LP52023 - Betty Grable (1916-73) - Dark blue truck, with the circle and heart in light blue. Portrait in flesh, three shades of blue, and brown. Red lips, blue eyes, and blue hair. Bluish-white lettering.
LP52024 - Dorothy Lamour (1914-96) - Light grey/green truck, with the circle and heart in teal. Portrait in flesh, light and dark brown. Red lips, teal eyes, sandy brown hair. Dark reddish-brown lettering.
LP52025 - Marlene Dietrich (1901-92) - Green truck, with a red background circle to the portrait. Uniquely, the heart on the cab roof is a different colour – gold. The portrait is flesh, white, brown, and light grey/green. Red lips, brown eyes, white/grey/brown hair. White lettering.
LP52026 - Rita Hayworth (1918-87) - The truck is sand, with the background circle and heart in red. Portrait in flesh, brown, pale yellow, and deep pink. Red lips, brown eyes, and blonde hair. Lettering is dark brown on the sides, and white on the cab roof.
LP52027 - Vera Lynn (1917-2020) - The truck is red, with the circle and heart in gold. She also wears a metallic gold dress. Portrait in flesh, gold, white, brown. Red lips, brown eyes, brown/grey hair. All lettering in white.