OK folks, I know you've got mince pies to bake and plum puddings to feed but take five and have a go at this film, tv, toy and sc-fi quiz! One answer per reader in the comments, thanks. You can do it!
1. In which film do we hear about the location Spivey Point?
2. Who is Eddie Quist and what movie is he in?
3. What is Action Man or GI Joe known as in Spain?
4. Who meets Sam Shepard's General in a bar at the end of the Ed Norton movie version of The Hulk [character and actor please as one answer]?
5. Name two ferocious monsters in the original Star Wars Trilogy?
6. Which hoax is at the heart of the movie Capricorn One?
7. Which Spanish toy company issued bags of plastic Thunderbirds figures?
8. What is the name of King Kong's home?
9. Which old toy am I describing? - hand-held plastic mazes in which steel balls roll round and light up a central light tower when they reach the end. For two players each with a hand-held maze.
10. Which Actor appears in both Jaws 3D and The Long Good Friday?