Apart from the graphical leap, the way games are designed has changed radically and one of the best proponents of game design is Bungie games, creators of Halo: Combat Evolved. Ten years ago in November, they released a first person shooter which put you in control of a genetically enhanced super soldier battling against an invading alien horde. What set it aside from its competition, aside from the spectacular graphics, was the story. Every aspect of the game was scripted like a film and cinematic sequences punctuated the action. The backstory was immense and immersive and was completely enthralling. The game is on the verge of its fourth incarnation now and for the tenth anniversary, the original game has been updated with cutting edge graphics. The design of each and every element has been considered from the mechanics of the weapons to the cultural beliefs of the alien races.
If anyone had to start with one sci-fi themed video game, this would be the point of entry. Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary edition will be on sale shortly and will definitely be on my Xmas list!
Heres a promo video for the last release, Halo Reach which set the scene for the Halo series. Features a strong female lead in the style of Vasquez from aliens, but the characterisations in the game are seriously realistic and its possible to empathise with the characters in the game. The game graphics of recent releases arent dissimilar from the standard set in this video either!