Two years ago I blogged a pic of a fabulous 1960's Japanese Thunderbirds Target Game with a stunning Zero-X cover. The game contained a rifle a little like the US 1960's Mattel's Lost In Space Roto-Jet Gun. About a year ago I blogged a pic of a cool 60's Thunderbirds Plasticine Set from Japan, which included a nifty Zero-X mould. Both of these were found on an old Japanese website called the Thunderbirds Museum. Despite a number of dead links I have spent a great hour looking through every picture on the site. Above is a gallery of all the Zero-X items to be found there including the two I've mentioned [tried to contact the site owner but couldn't find a link]. I particularly like the Zero-X record [top left corner]! I don't suppose any of us Swordies have any of this cool stuff so enjoy the pics!
PS. In the Toys Section there's mention if an unlicensed Flying OX but there's no picture. Anyone know what it is?