Meanwhile I'm sat in the garden on a sunny August Saturday enjoying the delights of a fully functioning brand-new Compaq laptop, which actually has a fully-loaded working battery! My old and first laptop, however much I was attached to it, just didn't do everything it should have. The battery packed up in the first of its five years of hard labour in the Sword Moonbase Mines, so typing outside involved an extension cable and a weak radio signal. One day I'll look back fondly on those hardships but for now I'm basking in the sunlight of technical brilliance surrounded by butterflies and bees! I just hope WOTAN's new wireless router is bedding in OK as well and then SWORD transmissions will be completely back to normal!
I've just taken possession of a wonderful bundle of Anderson ephemera. There's 1980's SIG's and Anderpups, Action 21's, 1990's Thunderbirds comics and 1980's Fanderson posters and fliers. Best of all are a set of 'Thunderbirds 6' looby (or lobby even!) cards from the 1966 cinema release. with one showing Brains working on a model. The early 1980's Anderpup fanzines are amazing too - done by a visionary called Chris Leach. They may have been simply typed, photocopied and stapled but they did the business years before the internet and fan blogs like this were even dreamt of! Where is Chris Leach now I wonder?