Custom blue Pulse by WOTAN
Is there a collective noun for several Space Stations? An array? A cluster? Anyways, I do love the Spacex Nuclear Pulse Space Station. I didn't have one as a kid in the 60's. I didn't have any of the Spacex Major fleet, only the smaller Spacex 1 stuff. Don't remember seeing it either but my memory is pretty moth-eaten! The bigger craft have been an adult discovery. The UK b/w advert and trade article (top two pics) highlight how the Pulse was part of the main thrust of Spacex advertising and one of the two well-advertised Spacex Major toys, along with the Mobile Launch Pad (MLP). It's interesting to consider how different it was for its cousin, the Photonic Propulsion Space Station, which had a similar comic strip advert campaign (together with the less usual portrait ad) but is much much rarer.
The Pulse also makes it into a US Golden Astronaut Set advert, which appears in the JC Penny Catalogue (2nd to bottom pic). This really is a beautiful group shot showing the range's pastel colours at their best. I think I prefer the blue US Pulse but have no idea what its individual box looked like (I do have a set box pic). Was their ever a colour advert done in the UK and did the blue Pulse only appear in the US? Does anybody have a decent jpeg scan of the instruction sheet that came with the UK tray box, which I can post on the blog?
Pictures courtesy of blog friends, the Philosophic Toad, WOTAN and Will Osborne, together with JC Penny and Ebay over the past few years.