Woodsy and Fellow Moonbasers,
It has been an exciting year out in The Cave as I rummaged through boxes and discovered things I bought years ago and totally forgot about. It started with a Williams O-gauge diesel switcher lettered for the Wisconsin Central. Then I found a K-Line switcher in Santa Fe livery, and then a Lionel MPC era switcher in SOO Line markings. They were all in unmarked cardboard boxes I had put to the side - and promptly forgot about! If memory serves me right, these were all lockdown purchases from a few years back.
In that vein, I was out there again the other day and was looking in a plain cardboard shipping box thinking it was empty. Nay, nay! Inside the plain carboard box, was another box wrapped in bubble wrap. Inside the bubble wrap was a Spacex set box!
What the...!!??
A Spacex box? It was the Spacex Earth Launch Pad Set #1176/20
Big box Spacex sets are harder to find than unicorn horns over here and I couldn't believe it. The box itself is hella rough but more or less intact. I opened the box to find three bubble-wrapped 'packages', inside of which were all the bubble-wrapped set components nested inside the insert.
There remained yet other surprises. The large paper playmat was there and intact, and there were additional, non Tri-ang components included. You'll be able to just make them out in the last photo. As yesterday was a busy day, this is as far as I got with my photo shoot. Today was my big shopping day for the month (groceries and sundries) and I'm already pooped, so it's unlikely anything will get done.
Overall I am stoked! It may yet be another day or two before I get out there to take more photos but y'all will be the first to know.
I unwrapped the toys and placed what I had into the insert. As it was, the set was in overall good condition. The MLP is complete as were the Forklift 7, the Tractor T5, and the Hawk. Both Helicopter P3's were casualties though with both missing rotors and one missing the rear wheels.
Unfortunately, the tote bin which has my Tri-ang space toys is kind of buried at the moment so I can't look to see if I have any spare parts.
Vegas Base

Woodsy and Fellow Moonbasers,
The next step will be to set up all the toys on the playmat and see what it looks like.