There was further mooching in a local town yesterday.
One charity shop had this bookcase full of old stuff including an interesting yellow plastic Easy Adder, which I'd never seen before.
The Fuzzy Felt Fairy Tales caught my eye too. There was always a Fuzzy Felt set on the go when I was a kid like the Farm or the Zoo.

Another shop was selling bundles of plastic figures, which I snapped up as I thought they looked interesting, mostly Fortnite and Roblox.
The large big Optimal Optimus at the back came home with us as did the Power Rangers robot.
The biggest purchase of the day were these large mint boxed Strike Force vehicles by Sunny Smile, the US Jeep and the Patrol Boat. For Action Man and similar 12 inch figures I was pleased with these and thought the £15 each reasonable for a Charity shop.
Reminiscent of the classic Cherilea vehicles I had as a kid for my Action Man, I bought and sold quite a few Sunny Smile vehicles like the truck and tank in the noughties but I've never got hold of them mint and boxed like these.
Would any of these been of interest to you readers?
Did you ever own any Sunny Smile vehicles or the earlier Cherilea toys?