Watching Tom Cruise's reboot of the Mummy last night - basically Mummy Impossible! - I was reminded of something I'd read years ago about another American desert movie, if not the very first, made over a century ago in 1923:
Cecil B. De Mille's The Ten Commandments.
It was a silent, enormous and expensive undertaking in the unforgiving sands of California.
Paramount artisans crafted the Sphinx like masons three thousand years ago!
I recall reading that Cecil's entire Pharaoh set was so massively huge that he could not afford to take it out of the Guadalupe desert where they were filming, so the whole things was buried in the vastness of the dunes!
It's still out there brooding under the shifting barchans, occasionally revealing a scree of perished plaster.
Archaeologists are involved, as they would be on an ancient dig!
Watch this fascinating short clip about their attempts to recover De Mille's Lost City.
Have you ever been there readers?