Earlier in the month I had to sign up for a temporary Google gmail account. I cannot recall why but it must have seemed imperative at the time in order to move cybernetically forward on something or other! I certainly never intended to use gmail.
Last night whilst checking various blog settings I saw that Google had changed my email address at the top of the blog to their new gmail! You what!
Not wanting this new gmail to appear everywhere I set about trying to change what Google call my 'primary email'. I always forget that Blogger is owned by Google, despite the fact Google ask me to sign in now and then.
Re-setting my email required texts, recovery email addresses and who knows what. I was even asked if I would like to provide a photo and link all my devices to other people so that they know where I am at any time of the day! Sounding far too much like an Orwellian nightmare coming to roost I searched for the real me.
After about an hour of faffing about I managed to get back to my true identity and not Google's. I once more have my old freeserve email address I have had since I started online 20 years ago!
What with Google tracking me, Amazon launching a new food delivery service, Facebook mushrooming and apps appearing out of thin air I am beginning to feel like the Lawnmower Man in a cyber war!
At some point it will all connect and go sentient - like Cyberdine Systems in the Terminator or even worse, like Proteus in Demon Seed. We all know what happened there - the computer gave birth!
With parents like Google, Apple and Facebook - the meganets of Today - God knows what they'll give birth to Tomorrow!
Sir Tim Berners-Lee must be googling in his flat beer wondering what the hell happened to the free web he invented.