Just slurping Coffee and watching the hilarious Frasier.
Woody Harrelson has come in from out of town and has just turned up for a beer. With Frasier I mean!
They keep talking about Cheers, their old bar back in Boston. Its their old TV show as well.
Now I sort of recall Cheers on TV decades ago. Seems like another life.
Ted Danson was the rising star I remember and he had an on-off thing going with a girl there. Whatever happened to him?
A moustached barfly with a monotone voice sat at the counter too. He went on to do Coors beers TV ads I think. No idea what his name was. For some reason I'm thinking Toy Story.
I should remember Cheers. It was a big deal on TV in the 80's.
I doubt very much there was any merchandise. Does anyone know?
Do you remember Cheers?