New Zealand charity shops are not the wonderful palaces of rare and wonderful things that they are in Britain. However, there is one that is worth a look every time I am in the area, and my most recent visit turned up an old Pop-up book.
Dean's Pop-Up Book of Motor Cars was one of several transport-related Pop-ups produced by Dean & Son Ltd. The copyright date inside is 1961, but no author or artist is credited, although the cover painting is signed Gordon.
It is a small hardback book, 234 mm by 168 mm. There are three pop-up scenes.
The first shows a B.R.M. racing car on the track, with an empty oil drum marker. The next two pages show a Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud and a Super Porsche 90.
The next scene has a fire engine on its way to a fire, with a Police car racing ahead to clear the way - 'just in case any cars, lorries or carts are taking up too much room on the road'. So, carts were still a traffic hazard in 1961.
Then a Formula Junior Lotus, an Aston Martin DB4, and the new Jaguar type 'E'. The final pop-up scene shows a Daimler double-decker bus over-taking the M.G saloon.
A nice little piece of history, and only $3 NZ (about £1.44).
I do not have a full list of these pop-up books by Dean & Son, but the transport series included books on ships, trains, trucks and tractors. But it seems there were none on aircraft ?
Paul Adams from New Zealand