Well what do you make of that?
Well what do you make of that?
The Kinks' played by Van Halen! Its really got me!
What do you think!
Courtesy of You Tube, Shaun Edmonds and Canadian TV.
Is there a better one readers for Star Trek Day today?
Oh what joy!
When did you first see a New Hope?
We can't have a Predators week without mentioning Predator the movie! Here's the original trailer from, yes, 1987! Its that long ago!
And for those of you who collected the action figures back in the day - it was 7 years before any were released - here's an old 1993 TV ad with Predator's new foe, ALIEN!
and perhaps the one ALIEN toy I would love to find in any condition is the 18 inch Kenner. A thing of legend and like those Mars Attacks cards decades earlier, this lofty beast was just too darn scary for Parents and some kids!
Its official, ALIEN was way scarier than Predator, so c'mon, forget about my tie, man!*
Here's the 18 incher's TV ad that says it all!
Did you or do you have any Predator or ALIEN toys or games or kits readers?
* This post is dedicated to the late great Carl Weathers, who played Colonel Al Dillon in Predator, who sadly passed away this year.
I loved Milky Bars as a kid.
I don't recall this 1981 ad though. Maybe its because I was older then. You remember it?
Do you like Milky Bars or white chocolate readers?
Yesterday saw a lot of Action man action on TV.
First there was an Ebay advert which features a vintage figure being sent in the post. Is this the Action Sailor?
Here are some more collections of old TV toy commercials. First up, Topper Toys, with a selection of Secret Sam items that includes a cane, pipe, and baseball bat that all shoot. A remote control truck. Tigers soldiers and remote control tank. Silly Safari game. Various dolls.
Topper Toys Television Commercials The The 1960s - YouTube
This Marx collection includes the Bop-A-Bear game. A double-barrelled big game gun fires rubber tipped darts at a battery powered bump-and-go bear - he growls when hit. Totally nuts. Missile firing robots. A child-sized ride-on Batmobile (did they do an adult-sized version ?), playsets including the Cape Kennedy set. At the end there is a shot of a Flintstones train set, but we only see the box.
By MARX! A Tribute to Marx Toys (with commercials and fun facts) - YouTube
Then almost an hour of old TV ads. The Steve Canyon toys look amazing - and expensive given the dates. But what would they go for today ? The Screaming Mee Mee-e rifle and pistol, trumpeter Louis Armstrong in a commercial for the Suzy Cute doll, American Flyer model railway with landscaped sections that clip together, Slot Cars, and a Roy Rogers Quick Shooter Hat which contains a concealed Derringer pistol. Near the end is a walking Billy Blastoff.
CLASSIC TV TOY COMMERCIALS 1950/60s 60 minutes - YouTube
Happy New Year!
Paul Adams from New Zealand
HQ Classic Space Toys- Remco, Ideal, Mattel Billy Blastoff and more! - YouTube
This video is actually a collection of still photos of toys and boxes, from the 1930s onwards. Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon, Robby the Robot, Dan Dare, and more general toys. The space helicopter is a little bizarre. No idea what the 1950s War of the Worlds box contained. Top class photographs.
What do you like?
Vintage Space Toys from the 1930s to 1960s HD - YouTube
Paul Adams from New Zealand
I recall Survival starting after this?
What about you?
What followed this in your world?
By popular demand! What came on after this intro for you?
What do you remember coming after this intro UK readers?
Do you?