The toy has a pivoting central control lever which turns the front and rear axles in opposite directions just like the real Rover, which had a tight turning circle of just 10 feet.
Like the original, there are two astronauts on board, although the one in the left hand seat would be the mission commander and the driver of the Rover. It's top speed was down as 8 mph, although the lunar land speed record is held by Apollo 17 Commander Eugene Cernan who recorded a speed of 11.2 mph.
The real Rover carried two 36 volt non-rechargeable batteries which carried enough power to cover a range of 57 miles, although the astronauts used the 'Walkback Limit', which meant that if the Rover broke down it would always be possible to walk back to the Lunar Module. Apollo 17 went the furtherest from the L.M. at 4.7 miles.
Like the Descent Stage of the Apollo Lunar Module, each of the three Rovers remain on the Moon.