At the last car boot trundle of the year there were highs and lows.
I'll get the low out the way first; we lost the Missus' purse. We were told it had been found but was never handed in. Ah well, someone has a Christmas windfall, around £90. Should buy a decent turkey.
Now the highs.
I managed to find this fab big Hot Wheels Construction Site set from 1979/1982 for a fiver.

Standing on two levels, it folds together like a carry case.
The crane can move up and down its slope. I've added the cars.
There's a yellow tipper skip and a blue hopper.
I'm unsure if its complete. I'll have to check. I just think its such a clever foldable set!
My other find was an old Crescent mobile crane like this one online. With some paint loss and in two parts, mine looks pretty good too. Not bad for two squid.
What do you reckon?