Some recent spots and acquisitions in antiques centres, auctions and shops:
The Grouch Couch, bought for the Grandkids. It grumps, growls and eats objects!
Spotted in an auction, I did Watch with Mother and loved all these BBC shows on this Chad Valley projector, but just who is Joe? He I dunno!
Two old sixties soccer annuals for my bro in law, who sadly has Altzheimers. It's his 80th on Sunday and he likes to browse the pictures of football books. He was captain and manager of his team in Leyland.
It's hard to imagine just how famous George Best was back then. A superstar. They called him the fifth Beatle he was so famous!
This set I saw on Amazon so reminded me of a fossil hunting kit I had as a nipper. I've never been able to find the one I had. Mine was boxed. This comes in a colourful sack. Did you have a kit like this?
Something a little different and relics from my past, seen in an antiques shop in Balby, these two Mary's or very similar ones graced our home as I was growing up. My Mum was quite a religious lady and the house reflected it. Her purse too, full of relics like Padre Pio's cloth.
Was your Mum or Dad religious?
More Balby bounty, this cabinet held a UFO Interceptor and the wondrous Tow Truck, both of which I adored back in the boomer years.
Now in Wath, I was amazed by this huge plastic toy doll's home cinema outside a charity shop. It reminded me of Looey's! I imagined Action Man and Sindy watching a movie. But which one?
Back in Balby, not sure where this toy train was from but I loved the artwork.
And these old kits caught my eye too. I love that Frog Lifeboat box art!
These massive toy trains by LGB reminded me of my Big Big Train from the Sixties. What a top toy that was!
Finally, I was interested to see the Clifford logo on ..... Children's packs of cards!
Till the next trip ...