Moon Base tinkering is going apace.
Attaching the cross-pipe to one module ....

... and then all of them. No peeking!
The base legs came courtesy of the Missus's craft cupboard.
Beads and later googly eyes!
..... which stuck on a treat before being painted lunar silver.
And everyone loves Nutoka on the Base!
Some of the smaller details fettled today too:
This chip is covering an unsightly rock-hard blob of super glue on the top of the cross-pipe, which I tried to remove but ended up squeezing three off. Legs that is.
Its a sort of maintenance hatch I guess.
The pool table was a lot of fun. The Missus' crafting micro-balls came in handy, although I got carried away! The cues look like they've been dipped in pea-soup, so I may replace them, although once the lid's on you won't see the mess I don't think!
I added a pin and some staples to the sides of this console to cover abandoned drill holes. They could be an antenna and a seat. That console suddenly looks a lot like a car battery!
On the recommendation of Bill I had a crack at a sort of doorway for the garage. I couldn't cut the lid for fear of splitting it so I opted for a door-frame capable of holding a ramp for vehicles.
An experiment. Fingers crossed.
By way of a complete distraction I spent an hour fiddling with a crane. I tried to create one to attach and detach from the side of the garage but to no avail. I ended up bodging this crane rig, that will hopefully lift the MEV2 in and out of the garage.
It ended up looking like a container ship!
Finally and a bit mushy I guess, but it felt right. I inserted a piece of our late dog Blue's bereavement card we got from the vets into the TV screen, Lincoln Continental-style.
Basically blue sky and a cloud.
Thanks Bill for the idea.
Once fully assembled, all these bits will be joined in the modules by some HO scale seated figures I've ordered from Ebay. They're en-route to Moon Base as we speak!
Watch this Space Base.