Very very occasionally I see Cadillacs and Dinosaurs carded toy figures. A few turned up a few summers back at the local car boot sale and I saw stacks of them in a vintage toy shop a while back. I've never found any loose ones I don't think.
I've never succumbed to their prehistoric petrolhead charms but I am always interested in obscure action figures generally, so I thought I'd scratch the surface of this range.
It appears to be based on the TV cartoon of the same name. It's premise is almost Project SWORD with Jurassic Park thrown in! Its based on earlier comics called Xenozoic Tales from 1986 [thanks Wotan!] and maybe a video game by Capcom.
All the Earth's ages have melded - cities have crumbled, and the dinosaurs have returned to reclaim the earth. Jack Tenrec and Hannah Dundee stand alone to defend humanity and protect the dinosaurs in a world gone mad.
You can watch the first episode of the TV series on You Tube from 1993
The range of carded figures and toys came out in 1993 too. Tyco had the licence. Here's Hannah Dundee's blister and the card back as shown on
Here's the TV ad.

Is this something you watched and do you have any of the toys?