The Captain Scarlet Spectrum Pursuit Vehicle which was only available by mail order from Kelloggs Sugar Smacks.

This SPV model was one of three Gerry Anderson toy offers which involved sending away a cheque or postal order and two cereal box tops to Kelloggs to receive an exclusive kit which was unavailable anywhere else.
The first of these, FAB 1 came out in 1966, Although not the same, it was very similar to the Lincoln International version available at the time, It didn't contain a motor, but it did come with figures of Parker and Lady Penelope. The exclusive Kelloggs' SPV appeared in 1968, and finally in 1969, Joe's Car which like Kelloggs' SPV was a very good rendition of their TV counterparts.
My incomplete example (Although I've seen several complete versions of FAB 1 and Joe's Car, I've never actually seen a complete Kelloggs SPV so far) has no markings to identify who produced it or a year of manufacture, although by way of confirmation, the SPV advert above is from an edition of TV21 dated April 20, 2068 (1968)
The kit would have arrived in simple snap-together form with stick on emblems. The slightly oily polystyrene plastic is reminiscent of the Thunderbird kits produced by Lincoln International, the probable manufacturer.
Mine's missing the aerials, roof fin and, in particular the white bumper, so if anyone out there has a spare let me know..
I have made some replacement decals for it, and it did come with a temporary replacement bumper and fin which are fine for display purposes, although they are not particularly accurate but until I can either make, or find proper replacements they'll have to do for now.