I love this Barbara and Lili bedroom Recamara set by Mexico's Lili Ledy.
There's something so 2001 about it. The cool orb chair, the small TV, the phone - all so late Sixties/ Early Seventies space mod!
I love this Barbara and Lili bedroom Recamara set by Mexico's Lili Ledy.
There's something so 2001 about it. The cool orb chair, the small TV, the phone - all so late Sixties/ Early Seventies space mod!
I like these creatures!
So very Tomland!
Do you like them readers?
If like me you like vintage spy dolls then this article is for you. From the Doll Boldly site here's Double Trouble:
What do you think?
On your Christmas list now?
I've been watching another tutorial on Catmeleon's channel, this one on how to create a Medusa. Completely mesmerising if you have a spare 40 minutes.
Before going to meet a mate for a Chinese buffet I'm shrinking a head.
A doll's head to be precise.
I'm doing it for my next custom project.
I'm following this fabulous tutorial on You Tube by Catmeleon.
Amazingly, I'm shrinking the same doll's head! Spooky!
Have you ever shrunk a head?
A few final notes from abroad last month now I'm home.
I saw this toy cable car in a German shop window, which I thought was neat. Whether it moved I don't know. It didn't when I was there.
I think the maker is Lehmann but I may have seen a Rigi one.
Ever since I first saw this figure, Arto's rare Star Maidens Guard doll, I've been smitten.
As always, not a perfect replica, more of an impression.
See what you think.
Here she is, the Moonbase Maiden Guard
We had to say auf wiedersehen to this old dolls house in Germany.
Today's modest catch down the boot sale. See anything you like?
Small celluloid Geisha
Picked up a few guys n dolls this morning for the various projects I have in mind.
LtoR: Modern Action Man, tall unknown figure, modern Ken or Paul, JLS member, modern Barbie, Barbie cheapo clone, 2 bent knee wrestlers, 2 finger fight wrestlers, unknown soldier
Any good?
Slim Pickens down the local boot sale last week but as always highly enjoyable.
Largely an old doll haul - three for a pound, who can resist! - see what you think, from L to R:
Vietnamese [I think] 18 inch doll,
Top row: cute tiny Sixties dolly [ID?], cheap Barbie clone, Spanish Flamenco dancer [My Mum loved these!]
Next: Ammonite, Britains Deetail Horse
Next row: plastic bazooka [for a future project]
Bottom: rubbery plastic Action Man pouches [from what?], cast Indian Chief, cast School sign, old 1935 penny, small weight, pendant, metal ball on a rod [glued onto my diver now!] and a VR Trooper.
Re. the tall doll, its a long time since I've found an 18 inch figure. The last time was Farah Fawcett Majors, who was married to Bionic Man Lee Majors, and who I always get mixed up with Jamie Summers, the actual Bionic Woman [played by Lindsey Wagner], the TV wife of the Bionic Man Steve Austin [played by Lee Majors]. See what I mean! My confusion isn't unique. If you read my original post Don't Fawcett about finding the 18 incher you'll see the seller was mixed up too!
Did you get confused between Farah and Lindsey?
A while back Miriam arrived.
Her right leg was shattered and both feet were missing, as were her small high heels.
A few weeks later and post-Diver I finished repairing this doll using the shards inside the bag. Besides all the leg bits, they included the feet and shoes as well.
She's not Jamie Summers perfect but once back in the bag she does look better I reckon.
See what you think.
It's our final day and we are packing the car with stuff to bring back home.
I've resigned myself to no more Flohmarkte or Diakonie visits until we return sometime.
I've also resigned myself to not finding any Big Jim or Bild Lilli either.
Jim is popular in Germany among collectors, who fondly recall the versatile action dolls range. There were countless knockoffs and accessories available for dressing Jim in the 70's. He was an all-round adventurer. I found some of his cowboy gear last year by Wentoys.
Bild Lilli is older, has a longer heritage than Jim. She's also a superstar and a lot more desirable among collectors. Lilli is Barbie. The West German doll was a saucy offer with the 1950s Bild newspaper sold at Kiosks back then. Mrs.Mattel found Lilli on a visit and bam! The rest is .... Let's go Barbie!
Jim and Lilli are out there, probably together in his camper van by a plastic lake somewhere.
Auf unsere Wiedersehen.
I picked up this 80's TONG Barbie clone yesterday in a German charity shop.
TONG is a new one on me and the make is clearly marked on the doll's neck rear.
Maybe the clothes she's got on is original too. I'm not sure.
The body may well be another brand as I think TONG bodies were articulated.
Anyways, for 50 cents I'll turn the other cheek.
Anyone any TONG experience readers?
We picked up this for Miss Junior. It's a large LOL plastic car. Very cool, it's got working lights and a huge boot that turns into a trailer.
Like a massive Hot Wheels redline, little Miss loved it too!
What do you think?
On the bench at the mo are a few projects.
I'm patching up the chroming on these old plastic Light Sabre handles. The Missus is making little Miss Moonbase a Doll's House Suitcase.
Something I finished last week for Wotan, the redline Hairy Hauler. It got a new DIY window and a new metallic green coat. Next to it is my redline Whip Creamer with new DIY window and mock spinner. These windows were both cut from Super Glue package blisters.