I adored Callisto as a kid. You know, Major Matt Mason's alien pal. Or was he a foe? Not sure about that. Callisto had everything going for him. He had twisty arms and legs, he had cute green boots and a fantastically tactile rubber head, his green see-through brain, which always reminded me of a superball. If it could have come off I reckon it would have bounced! Of course the best thing about Callisto was his purple shoulder string blaster. That weapon was a thing of beauty. More a tickler than a blaster, it summed up Callisto completely. Here was a pacifist, whose contribution to the Matt Mason armoury was string. I could have pumped those little purple bellows all day long. I seem to recall the green fella could slot into Matt's vehicles, like the sleds and stuff. It was a shame he never got his own dedicated Callisto-mobile or if he did I never had one. I wonder if the big brains at Mattel ever designed one? His alien pal Scorpio was and still is a mystery to me. I never had one. A strange purple being I only saw from afar. I'm not sure why he didn't come my way. Just one of those things when a toy range stays incomplete in childhood because time and tide demand it. Wotan has a Scorpio and it's high maintenance from what I hear. It needs polystyrene balls and a lightbulb! I ask you! Did you like Callisto as a nipper readers? Did you have a Scorpio?