I saw this lady action figure in a cabinet.
Anyone know who she is?
She's got Kung Fu slippers on.
A recent car booting trip proved fun. I bagged this trio of vintage toys that came back to Moonbase with me.
The two carded figures are the only two carded figures I own and at £15 for the pair I couldn't resist.
I've been aware of Playmates' Dick Tracy figures for decades, including the fabled Blank and this Lips Manlis is a trip down memory lane.
Captain Power is not a line I know at all really but this carded Chase figure was in such fab condition I got it as well.
The huge green Action Man tank is not the Cherilea original but the later Sunny Smile release, which I think is the same as Strike Force. It just needs a dusting and some of the decals re-glueing before going on maneuvers. A snip at £4 I thought.
Are these toys you know readers?
Some recent snaps of random stuff I've seen on our travels.
In Barnsley, I just wasn't sure at all who this guy was. You?
I'm in awe of just how prolific this modern nostalgia action figure company is.
I've seen a few ReAction carded action figures in shops but had no idea there were so many Super 7 figure lines - there's hundreds!
Shogun, Mars Attacks, Thundercats, Universal Monsters to name just a few.
I can really relate to the urge to recreate figures and Super 7 have caught the retro zeitgeist. A really fantastic job for a modern toy company.
Clearly there's a vein of meme humour running through some of the lines that I don't get - The Worst and Wing Kong for instance - its an age thing I bet, but all in all I'm astonished by the fabulous range and vision of Super 7 toys.
Have a look and see what you like.
Slim Pickens down the local boot sale last week but as always highly enjoyable.
Largely an old doll haul - three for a pound, who can resist! - see what you think, from L to R:
Vietnamese [I think] 18 inch doll,
Top row: cute tiny Sixties dolly [ID?], cheap Barbie clone, Spanish Flamenco dancer [My Mum loved these!]
Next: Ammonite, Britains Deetail Horse
Next row: plastic bazooka [for a future project]
Bottom: rubbery plastic Action Man pouches [from what?], cast Indian Chief, cast School sign, old 1935 penny, small weight, pendant, metal ball on a rod [glued onto my diver now!] and a VR Trooper.
Re. the tall doll, its a long time since I've found an 18 inch figure. The last time was Farah Fawcett Majors, who was married to Bionic Man Lee Majors, and who I always get mixed up with Jamie Summers, the actual Bionic Woman [played by Lindsey Wagner], the TV wife of the Bionic Man Steve Austin [played by Lee Majors]. See what I mean! My confusion isn't unique. If you read my original post Don't Fawcett about finding the 18 incher you'll see the seller was mixed up too!
Did you get confused between Farah and Lindsey?
I saw this recently, a modern Mysterio.
On holiday I've been reading about Kenners DC Super Powers figure line from the 80's in an old Tomarts Action Figure Digest mag.
Despite not owning any of them It's one of my favourite action figure ranges ever, simply because they're so beautifully made and look incredible.
It's often cited as the best action figure series ever made.
I've only ever seen the figures at the NECs Memorabilia show when I used to go there in the Noughties, a brilliant sight to see when the entire range is lined up.
It's one of the few figure lines I've never found anything if at car boot sales over thirty plus years. They must be quite scarce in the UK.
Do you have Super Powers readers?
I like this toy I saw online but I've never seen one in the flesh. ARCO's Action Figure Vehicle, the idea being that it could be used with 3.75 inch action figures from any line. Not sure who's sat at the wheel but I imagine its an 80's character.
It looks a bit like a Fisher Price Adventure People design to me.
With behemoths like Kenners Star wars range, I can see the business sense of making general vehicles like this. Not knockoffs, something else!
This utilitarian idea reminds me of Cherilea's various armoured vehicles and tanks when I was a kid in the 60's, all able to be deployed with Action Man, Tommy Gunn and any other 12 inch figure. Maybe Barbie and Sindy ended up in them too in some households?
Do you like generic vehicles that can be used with figures like this readers? Did you have any?
Picked up six of these nice West German plastic figures this morning for two Euro. Maybe a small Tarzan too, which the Missus is tracking down.
Not sure of the make.
I recently saw this small plastic figure in my daughter's birthday party favours stash for her kids.
Initially I thought it was Wilmer Flintstone.
Turns out its Tinkerbell the fairy!
Either way, these cheapo party figures you can get seem fine as toys to me. Has anyone used anything like this in their modelling or toy repairing?
Picked up these incomplete but appealing figures yesterday with my last ten pence.
No idea what they are although the little chest light in the red caped fella looks familiar. I may have had one on MC before.
Any ideas?
This year's resolution is doctor's orders. Get fitter! So with that in mind the Missus and me headed to picturesque Hebden Bridge in the Pennines for a country walk.
Here are a few snaps of beautiful Hebden Valley; light rain, sleet and ice came too.
I had to look twice in a local store, where I clocked US agent on a bubble card no less!
Released by Kenner, I think this maybe the first time the Agent gets a stint on the toy shelf since Toy Biz's 1994 release as part of the Marvel Super Heroes figure line.
Is the US Agent an Agent you know?
A while back I found General Custer.
At least I thought so, pictured here in my trusty figure book, number 4.
Before the Autumn squalls arrive this afternoon the Missus and me squeezed in a Sunday car boot down at Thorpe Arch in Wetherby.
Always a lot of decent stalls with proper family booters rather than rows of new goods traders, its always a good morning at Thorpe Arch. There were some Millennials toy dealers - always good to see a new generation into pop culture toys - but despite their fine modern wares - like a Japanese Star Wars white blaster - being a retired pauper, the prices were just too high for me.
My own somewhat inexpensive catch of Yorkshire bargains was as follows:
Back row: Modern He-Man and Skeletor and 12 inch Unknown male doll dated 1995 China.
Back but one:: Modern Action Man battle vest, 1997 Burger King Frankenstein, DIY Big Underpants,
Middle: Funko Wolverine?, bat pencil topper? 1985 Action Force Wild Hunter Jeep
Next: Coffin Hot Wheels for Junior at Halloween, PAPO Phosphorescent Scalliwag, Hot Wheels 80's roadster, Unknown Police action figure.
Front: Letrabots and Number Bots.
The 12 inch male doll came like this, with an Action Man plastic vest and cloth hoodie, together with home-made underpants!
It says 1995 SF on his neck, Made in China on his waist. This is he, below, in his true form. He's too cute for an Action Man!
Today's meagre but interesting and inexpensive haul from Doncaster Car Boot.
Another small cache of characters from today's midweek outdoor sale. The September sun was shining and the toy gods were smiling!
As I've reported before, Gen1 Transformers are this year's love and today an old ragged Optimus Prime said hello Woodsy, take me home.
The rest of the gang need ID'ing and some sprucing up.