I was flicking through my old copy of Tom Tumbusch's seminal book Space Adventure Collectables and was reminded that Captain Lazer had another life beyond 1967.
Mattel upcycled the blue Captain ten years later.
He stepped into the Mattel dream machine and came out in 1978 as the Seventies style icon Colonial Warrior and the Darth Vader wannabe Cylon Centurion.
Complete with chirruping back pack, disco chest plate, flashing eyes and lazer hand stump, these cool dudes were part of Mattel's Battlestar Galactica line and a bid presumably to save money on moulds. Get the Captain out I hear them shout!
It makes sense to go for the big guy. His Doctor Spock looks were enough to get him noticed, never mind his toned galactic physique. He was standing blue and tall decades before Doctor Manhattan too.
So, having been a big fan of the blue man in his first incarnation back in '67 I can't help but wonder whether those fine accessories I loved so much - proto-light sabre, glam rock boots, purple bed-table shield and Achilles' space helmet - would fit the new Captains from the Seventies?
The '67 helmet fitting the '78 Cylon Centurion maybe academic anyway as his chromed robo headpiece may not even come off! This is something I just don't know.
I'd love to see a mash up of the three Captains. What Marvel and DC would call a crossover where the Mattel universes of Major Mat Mason and Battlestar Galactica jam together like a supergroup.
Maybe the Colonial Warrior cruising in the Firebolt Laser Canon, maybe Callisto gun-stringing a Cylon Centurion and just maybe all three Captains staring each other out.
Does anyone have all three figures?