I recently wrote to Companies House regarding basic information on the various Companies involved in the manufacture and marketing of Project Sword toys in the UK. Despite an excellent response I was dissapointed with the lack of information on Regent Toys (
Zero - X co-maker and the
Project Moon range). If anyone has any further information on them and would like to share it I will post it on the blog or you can add a comment. I have posted the full Companies House letter including contact details ( click on the logo for a link to their site).

Dear Paul Woods
Thank you for your recent enquiry concerning the above company name. I have searched our records and found the following information:
Company Number: 785839
Incorporation Date: Around 1963
Change of Name: Century 21 Toys Ltd
Company Status: Dissolved 06/03/1984
For more information please order the Microfiche from our Contact Centre on: 0303 1234 500
Company Number:1095416
Incorporation Date: 09/02/1973
Previous Name: Gerry Anderson Marketing Ltd
Change of Name: Century 21 Merchandising Ltd
Change of Name: Century 21 Ltd 23/04/1992
Company Status: Active Company
For more information please contact our Contact Centre on: 0303 1234 500
I have searched our archive records but cannot find any trace of a Limited Company with that name having been registered at Companies House.
Company Number: 339204
Incorporation Date: Around 1937
Company Status: Dissolved & Destroyed over 20 years ago. No records available.
I hope that the above information has been of some help to you. Should you require any further assistance relating to archive searches in the future then please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours Sincerely
Mrs Rhian Latham
Companies House Customer Care (Archives) Tel: 029 20 380 241
Ext: 2241 Fax: 029 20 380 679 E-Mail: rlatham@companieshouse.gov.uk