Today is St. Nicholas's Day or as my Missus calls it, Nikolaus. It is in effect the root of our modern Christmas, since St. Nicholas the gift-bringer eventually morphed into Sinterklass, then Santa Claus and in Britain, Father Christmas.
On Nikolaus my Missus would leave shoes outside her flat on the landing as a kid, which would be secretly filled with delicious sweets and a plate of confections would appear too, the Bunte Teller or colourful plate.
The good Saint Nicholaus did have his antonyms though, in the form of the very nasty Knecht Ruprecht and the increasingly-celebritised monster, Krampus, the evil child snatcher. All three roam the streets on the 6th December. Just make sure you meet the nice guy and not the other two!
St. Nicholas's Day isn't celebrated in England these days, which is our loss really, as its a fine precursor of the kind season to come.
Do you celebrate Nikolaus readers?