I'm pleased to finally present this toy.
The T.N. (Japan) Apollo-X Moon Challenger.
I bought the rocket years ago all by itself, without a box. A few years after that I was able to buy the box which had a really rough, piece of junk rocket in it.
While the box too was a bit rough, it was serviceable. Then the toy promptly sat on the shelves for years until this week when I got off my keester and photographed it. I tried putting some old batteries in it, but it wouldn't move.
Then, I cleaned the contacts, put new batteries in and off it went! It works like a charm as you can see by the recently uploaded YouTube video.
There is one unusual glitch though.
When I bought the rocket, the 'L'-shaped riser bar was flush against the underside as it should be, and the capsule was fully retracted as well. However, after running, the capsule and riser bar both cycle and cause the rocket to go up and down as it should .......
BUT, when the capsule retracts the riser bar remains fully extended and now the rocket won't fit in the box.
From Vegas Rocket Base