A few home snaps of my new Corgi Black Beauty, along with stablemates The Thrushbuster and Batmobile.
It's quiet in the city tonight!
A few home snaps of my new Corgi Black Beauty, along with stablemates The Thrushbuster and Batmobile.
It's quiet in the city tonight!
With the Missus and a mate, visiting my favourite vintage toy shop round here, in Kirkham Arcade in Otley, I was really pleased to bag a few great collectables for the Moonbase collection.
The haul comprised of a smart loose JR21 FAB1, a neat re-issue Corgi Black Beauty and an Action Man Rifle Rack along with the golden grenade launcher. I had all of these as a kid and it was great to get them back and a snip at £30 the lot.
In the town's charity shops I bagged an old hardback copy of Brave New World, a paperback horror by Shaun Huston and a hardback Adventure Annual with Pyro toy designs on the cover.
My final item was a cool multi-rotational tin globe. It rotates on two axes!
All in all a great day out.
What do you reckon?
More on all of them to follow.
Junior gave his new Green Hornet Black Beauty the Sharpie treatment yesterday.
Fixing up Junior' Green Hornet scrapper, before he colours it in in two weeks, has been as fiddly as Kato's cap.
The scanner and missile ejector mechanisms are groaningly temperamental and may yet spoil it for Junior. They do work now and then and when they do they fly! I just hope they work when he has a bash!
Still, my part of the job is nearly done now.
I bought some plastic half-jewels for a squid and filed two down for the green headlights. Some of the Missus's red wire made the trim.
I also re-chromed the grille.
I just need to glue Kato in now if Bruce will let me!
He did!
I recently bagged this battered die-cast Green Hornet Black Beauty for 99p on the Bay [postage £4].
I adored mine as a kid.
This one is a joint project for Junior and me to do up.
My jobs are the headlights, windscreen and missiles. Junior will colour it back to black when he's back on Moonbase.
I love this 'launch' sequence of the Green Hornet's Black Beauty from 1966. What a car!
Do you have one?
Checking out the Batman Green Hornet crossover episode I found this short clip of the fight scene on You Tube. Who would have thought that Bruce Lee was in Batman! Hi-Ya! What do you think?