Bringing our summer days out to a September close the Missus and me visited the lovely Pennine canal town of Hebden Bridge in West Yorkshire.

Among the many fine eateries and wholefood shops the charity shops and antique emporiums held some interesting items for collectors.
How about this Action Man Mould and Paint set?
or a gear robot and Mickey?
Lots of Pelhams and a Lindberg Blue J Racer kit, a new one on me.
The antiques emporium had lots of die-casts
and this interesting warrior marionette with his hungry friend.
There were lots of old comics like Marvel's Frankenstein's Monster. Is that one you read?
This old wooden fort caught my eye too. £28.
More assorted old toys in another cabinet.
and a whole stack of Beano comics! Did you read Beano as a kid?
Back in the Charity shop this old board game jumped out, All the King's Men. Is it one you know?
and there were lots of old LP's as always
and this looked interesting, a boxed Hornby Zero1 control unit. Not sure what that is but you may know. It looks oldish.
Old annuals are always great to see and this bundle a Laramie annual.
and this fab Impossibles annual. I adored the Sixties cartoon and loved this annual as a kid. I have one already otherwise I would have bought this one. Do you remember the Impossibles?
Old novels are always fun especially if I read it as a teenager like The Plague Dogs.
One I've never read or seen the film of is Picnic at Hanging Rock, a famous Australian mystery.
Chim Chim Cheree! Remember that! A Mary Poppins classic and here a 45rpm single. I wonder if anyone collects Mary Poppins stuff?
I spotted these old train carriages in an empty shop.
This pub sign made me chuckle with its missing letters. Now its RONIN! Those masterless Samurai get everywhere!
Some Charity shop items have dearer price tags. This 1974 boxed Palitoy Sheena. I think it was £50. I don't know Sheena. Her hair grew.
and finally this old stack of Scalextric will find a good home with someone I'm sure. Are you a Scalextric fan?
Have you had any trips out mooching round flea markets and second hand shops this summer readers?