I caught these old NASA prints on old auctions so kept the images.
The Grumman MOLAB on its test bed travels, a superb lunar concept workhorse known to Project SWORD fans as the ANT.
Do you any old NASA prints like this?
I caught these old NASA prints on old auctions so kept the images.
The Grumman MOLAB on its test bed travels, a superb lunar concept workhorse known to Project SWORD fans as the ANT.
Do you any old NASA prints like this?
And speaking of cool lunar concepts that remained squarely on Earth, here's the ANT's cousin, the MOLAB, one of a number of mobile laboratory designs.
Do you prefer this style of MOLAB to the one Triang opted for for their SpaceX range?
Check out this amazing old footage of a test run of the real NASA concept vehicle that the Project SWORD Annual called the ANT.
It looks great doesn't it!
What a Century 21 toy it would have made!
I've always liked the ANT since seeing it in the 1968 Project SWORD Annual.
And I always thought it would have made a great toy.
In the meantime here's a couple of models I found online.
Speaking of ants, I'm getting worried about the number of ,Phase 4' diets I'm seeing.
Makes me think of ants and much chomping in the formulary of phase IV.
I've seen a lot of Ant movies and read a few Novels.
I've never seen Food of the Gods though - maybe that's rats film? It used to be advertised as a cine film for home viewing at the back of Warrens Creepy and Eerie comics.
I bought this softback of Creepy reprints this morning at the Bonner Comic Laden.
Although Food of the Gods isn't advertised in it, some classic monotone monster cine films are, pictured above. The VHS of it's day!
Have you seen it? Read any ant books? Did you or do you like Creepy and Eerie comics Readers?
In a sleepy Rhine village we're visiting is, yes, of all things, an ant controller!
There's a fine image on this Long Island Aerospace History page of a model of an ANT in 1962, a Grumman Lunar Landing Concept. A real life working prototype is also pictured from 1964.
The ANT made a one-off appearance in a strip in the 1968 Project SWORD Annual. Alas it never made it to the toy workshop.
Is it a vehicle you like?
Oh my God! I have been checking for footage of this old rover for ages on YT.
Here it is!