Couple of fun shots I took last week.
And the pilot!
An odd one this, even for MC; on one of our summer car boot trips a stallholder was giving away hundreds of random old prints collected over years. This is the one I liked as it seemed interesting, although it is a mystery as to who is on it.
[It sort of reminded me of an old horror movie, Bucket of Blood, about a beatnik sculptor maniac!].
This mystery print shows a sculptor at work with a man sitting and another man watching. The sculptor has a distinct Zapata moustache and goatee beard.
The back of the print is what I assume to be the photographer's address in Glasgow.
Old toys are so photogenic.
The tinternet is packed with snaps but not all of them have that extra zing.
Here's three from old sales sites that really caught my eye, all sharp and lovely.
Have you got fave toy pictures?
Messin' with the mobile this afternoon, waiting to go out for a sit-down chippy tea.
Virgil's gaff.
I love this toy photo, which I saw on Robb Report [what is that?]
These look like modern re-issues of MOTU figures - Skeletor and friends? - but its the golden lighting in the shadow that I like so much.
Do you like it?
I've got all arty with my seaside photos here in the Yorkshire Wolds. Going for a painted sort of look I give you ....
Lady Swimmers
We're off to Bridlington today so more sand, a horror novel read in a cafe and hopefully charity shops stuffed with old Dinky's!
What are you up to readers?