MoonBase Junior took these shots and edited them himself on his half-term break with us oldies.
Waddaya reckon?
MoonBase Junior took these shots and edited them himself on his half-term break with us oldies.
Waddaya reckon?
Junior gave his new Green Hornet Black Beauty the Sharpie treatment yesterday.
Fixing up Junior' Green Hornet scrapper, before he colours it in in two weeks, has been as fiddly as Kato's cap.
The scanner and missile ejector mechanisms are groaningly temperamental and may yet spoil it for Junior. They do work now and then and when they do they fly! I just hope they work when he has a bash!
Still, my part of the job is nearly done now.
I bought some plastic half-jewels for a squid and filed two down for the green headlights. Some of the Missus's red wire made the trim.
I also re-chromed the grille.
I just need to glue Kato in now if Bruce will let me!
He did!
I recently bagged this battered die-cast Green Hornet Black Beauty for 99p on the Bay [postage £4].
I adored mine as a kid.
This one is a joint project for Junior and me to do up.
My jobs are the headlights, windscreen and missiles. Junior will colour it back to black when he's back on Moonbase.
My Grandson Junior wants to be a rock drummer like Neil Peart from Rush or a scientist like Stephen Hawking.
This winter we've discussed a few bits of science.
We wondered if Earth's mountain climbers would love to climb Olympus Mons on Mars and who might be the first to do it?
We also gawped at this amazing photograph online of a fly's brain and all its neurons. How fantastic! It looks like a peacock!
Last week Junior had fun with LEGO.
He made up a story, The Esca[e Raft, around a couple of vehicles and played for an hour on the floor acting it out. I was so jealous! It was a joy to see!
Here are Junior's creations.
Today Junior set up my vintage toy called Space Helicopter Rescue by Congost of Spain.
We got it down from the attic.
He explained to me what to write here and chose the title himself*
Junior worked out how to use the old controls, which were quite difficult to handle at first.
The little pilots are magnetic and can be lifted, in theory, from the capsule and the boat. We had to place the pilot onto the helicopter's fishing rod as it proved way too tricky.
All in all a good interesting old toy Junior said and one his Mum - my daughter - got me Christmas 2023, a nice tradition she has established over the last few years where she gets Santa to bring me a vintage space toy for Dad Woodsy (this year was a box of Micronauts). I like this tradition!
I've been reading Joe 90 Annual strips to Junior this week before bed. He really likes them - Rat Trap and the like. It's the Annual with Big Rat in the cover.
Junior made a couple of observations: he asked if Mac's Car has the same legs and tyres as his die-cast Lunar Bug? Are they related?
The other thing was whether Joe 90 was as famous as Thunderbirds? We agreed that Thunderbirds was an A-lister, but where is Joe 90? B-list? What else are A and B- listers?
Currently plagued by a trapped sciatic nerve I'm basically seat-bound assisting Junior in his garden pursuits as a budding Indiana Jones.
The dig site garnered a whole tray of finds, mostly terracotta, some fossils (he smelt a rat there!) and a 1936 George V One Penny ( he should have smelt a rat there!).
Junior was most excited about four big pieces of old roof tile he dug up. They were really in situ.
With some help from the Seated One he glued them back together. It says Rowley on it quite clearly.
Using a mix of brick dust and PVA Junior filled in the biggest cracks and set it to dry.
Moonbase Junior's here for a week of his summer holidays. Remember them! Six weeks off!
To keep him entertained - for a while - I set up0 an archaeology dig station in the garden. Junior loves fossils and pottery bits.
Were you a budding archaeologist or paleontologist when you were a kid readers?
I picked up this vintage green Matchbox Battle Kings Army transporter in Germany in April as part of a car boot lot. In great nick, I gave it Junior yesterday.
There's not much the Army green can't handle: even an SPV!
Have you got any transporters readers? Pictures welcomed.