Like Scoop and Bill, I'm always fascinated to see whats available at Toy Fairs. The Reebok Fair is a fairly large one in Northern England, so aside from the obligatory die-cast there is always something of interest for space toy and Anderson fans like us.
What caught my eye this time were a Project SWORD Scramble Bug, a stack of [very expensive] boxed JR21 Thunderbirds toy vehicles, a Chad Valley Thunderbirds Projector set, a comansi Brains figure, a pile of old Eagle comics featuring Project Nimbus covers, a Fireball XL5 bagatelle ....and a cuddly toy [let me know if you don't get this!]
I also saw some Triang-Hornby Battle Space! Now I'm not a toy train fan, but I am intrigued as to why the makers of SpaceX saw fit to combine space and railways. It feels quite odd to me but seems to work really well. For the uninitiated like me I recommend watching these two videos on You Tube by chambs123, whose zeal for Battle Space! is infectious!
Part 1 ,
Part 2
Is there any link whatsoever between Triang's Battle Space! and SpaceX toys?