This is one of the very first small dioramas I built w-a-y back when. These were the only photos that survived some unfortunate computer issues a long time ago.
This was a fun piece I added to my Flintstones collection some years back.
There's a 'button' on the base which was supposed to allow you to raise or lower the car, however, it wasn't designed well and it's easier to just raise the car manually.
Me and 4 year old Junior were watching Disney's the Little Mermaid on VHS yesterday. I was amazed to see it was released in 1989 and gobsmacked to think I watched it with my own daughter when she was herself 5 way back when.
Seeing redheaded Ariel again I immediately thought of a cartoon character I loved when I was just 8 way back in 1969, Daphne, the feisty co-leader of the Scooby Do gang.
See what you think. Ariel right. Daphne left, if you couldn't tell!
Every time I go to our local airport I pass Murgatroyds fish and chip restaurant.
Despite the welcoming aroma of cod in batter wafting across the road I haven't yet been in. However, passing I always think of a particular phrase from when I was a kid.
That phrase was Heavens to Murgatroyd and was the catchphrase of Sixties Hanna Barbera cartoon character Snagglepuss, as heard here on You Tube:
I adored Snagglepuss and was want to blurt out Heavens to Murgatroyd whenever I could. So much so that my best friend's Dad Stanley nicknamed me Snagglepuss!
Sometimes there was a small yellow duck on his show too, which I also loved. I thought his voice was just that little bit funnier than Donald Duck's but just cannot remember the tiny quacker's name! Here he is getting some hilarious tooterin from frustrated thesp Snagglepuss, courtesy of You Tube again:
I also came across this Pinterest image from Minnesota library [EmilyHarris] whilst looking for old kids books and realised that the phrase Heavens to Betsy rang a bell too!
Googling said phrase I was amazed to find on Wikipedia that Heavens to Betsy was also a catchphrase of the wonderful Snagglepuss! Now that I'd forgotten!
You can hear it at the end of this very amusing clip on You Tube:
This clip also features ol' Snag's other famous line 'Exit Stage Left'! ha ha. Classics all but as for the two Heavens I have no idea what they mean. You? Did Hanna Barbera shows like this spawn lots of toys and collectables?
I'm sre you'll agree that Hanna Barbera cartoons peppered our Sixties childhoods like diamonds. They were simply wonderful! One of my favourites was a TV gem, The Impossibles, featuring three mop-topped super heroes with very unusual powers: Fluid Man, Multi Man and Coil Man.
For fans of the show like me the must-have collectable was the Impossibles Annual featuring our heroes along with their Hanna Barbera srtablemate Frankenstein Junior. It was a brilliant annual and despite parting with my childhood copy I was pleased to sind one at a car boot sale about 10 years ago. Friends reunited!
I don't recall seeing any other Impossibles stuff in the shops in the Sixties so I was surprised to see this slide puzzle online the other day. No doubt there are more collectables in the show's homeland of the States that we didn't have access to here in the UK. Collecting Hanna Barbera space and super hero TV shows' merchandise - The Impossibles, Space Ghost, Herculoids, Frankenstein Junior and co - is I'm sure a really rewarding hobby and one which really does appeal to me. Do any of you collect Hanna Barbera toys and collectables readers?