Last year I rescued some trash from Aldi, a bunch of plastic toothbrush displays.
Considering what to do with them I toyed with perhaps some Action Man raft crates or maybe a Corgi lion cage.
But then I saw this!
The Remco Mini Monster Monsterizer!
So, overnight I've whittled and spittled and fettled my own monster machine using one of those toothbrush racks.
It's been fun and Baron Frankenstein lent a hand (and a foot and a head!)!
Oven-ready, a willing creature, old Burger King Frankie, stepped up to test it out.
Dr. Bones threw the switch.
Monsterizing in progress!
And the final stage ...
Hope you like this home-made, quick and easy Monsteriser folks.
I've got to go. Villagers are mobbing with pitchforks at the door!