Saturday, 30 June 2018

Brian F's Almost in Orbit

Hi Woodsy,

Here's a view from the Hard Rock Casino, 50th floor, Atlantic City, USA. 

Not the tallest tower I've worked in, but I'm that much closer to outer space!

Brian F 


Hello Woodsy 

Here's The Doctor with his new Gilmark X43 Rocket Space Car. 

Bet he could outrun Captain Scarlet anyday. What do MC readers think?



Moonbase Junior is responding well to his antibiotics and his pneumonia is on the back foot!

So much so he's well enough to visit Moonbase today for a sleepover. A weekend on the rural fringe may just aid his continued recovery.

Reports from the base to follow.


Hi Woodsy

Here's the Chris Foss - Gillan album art from your recent Celtica podcast


Jim P


Have you got a fave Chris Foss artwork?

Friday, 29 June 2018



Re. the recent post on drawing etc. Here is a (poor) photo of one of the few aurbrush paintings I've done. It is Kate Bush, by the way!


Thursday, 28 June 2018


Just read that the brilliant author, screenwriter and essayist, Harlan Ellison has sadly passed away aged  84. 

Photo from New Worlds Weekly.

Most  readers here will know of his prolific contributions to Burke's Law,  Voyage to the Bottom of The Sea, The Man from UNCLE, Outer Limits and Star Trek amongst , many, many others. In fact the Star Trek episode, 'The City on the Edge of Forever' has been considered the best of the 79 episodes of the series.  For the cult series Babylon 5 he was creative consultant. 

Our sincere condolences to his family.

Flaming June

The wildfires on Saddleworth Moor seem to be accompanied by breakouts closer to home. From my window the BBC transmitter on Winter Hill is usually clearly visible, but plumes of smoke are issuing from its slopes tonight. Nevertheless, it doesn't stop the sightseers moving in.


Gas leak is fixed for a second time.

More serious, Moonbase Grandson has pneumonia. Its been a harrowing 24 hours in hospital but he's in his own home again and responding well to antibiotics.

His parents and Grandparents are all keeping an eye on him.

I'll be back in action on the blog and email soon I hope.

I hope all MC readers are well.


Various crises have hit Moonbase at once in the last week - persistent gas leak and Moonbase junior falling ill - so emails and comments are queuing up I'm afraid. 

As soon as things settle down I'll  get back on track. Sorry for the delay.


I like this Japanese footage of a motorised kit.

It looks like a Tiger Captain, which is a sort of SPV tank.

Have you got anything like this?

Wednesday, 27 June 2018


The Century 21 Toys Spectrum Patrol Vehicle, certainly a thing of beauty and one of Derek Meddings finest designs. 

It’s a reasonably large toy, probably in the region of 1/32 scale, and unlike the SPC and the Angel, its fairly robust, although some of the gadgets have mechanisms that use rubber bands which unless replaced will perish.

The rear tracks fold down, but in a slightly different way to the Dinky version. The tracks are something that some people like to ask about. Their benefits never featured in the TV series, but an explanation for them appeared in the first 1967 Captain Scarlet annual, and artist Ron Embelton utilised this in his TV21 strip.  I tend to speculate that they are obviously there to give additional traction.

As is usual with all the Captain Scarlet C21 toy vehicles there's a spring loaded missile. On the SPV it's fired from the top air intake by pressing down the fragile top fin. There's also a small pull out piece at the front, which I have no idea what it is. The box say's there's a 'Radar Moniter', so maybe that's it. 

 The side door slides open revealing Captain Scarlet. Inside the cabin the rear view screen can be seen, and also a few control dials. One the other side is an opening hatch which reveals an ejector seat. A figure of Captain Blue should sit there, however my Captain Blue has long since disappeared behind the couch somewhere. I suppose there’s  repros out there but I’ve never looked. Same with the aerials , which are fake. I cobbled them up using a couple of Lego aerials.  

There's also spring suspension which does add a quality feel to the toy. 


This sextant-style rocket launcher is an old design.

I've seen stand-alone versions like this and where it's added to other toys.

Here it is on top of Bill B's LP Tanks

My favourite has to be an LP Moon Explorer with the launcher on top.

Can't find an image of it on the blog though.

Anyone know the origin of this old rocket launcher toy?

Tuesday, 26 June 2018


Continuing my look at the Captain Scarlet Century 21 toy vehicles, here's the sleek and accurately profiled Spectrum Angel Interceptor.

It was unique in that the friction motor could be easily removed, giving the toy an almost model like look.

Once attached it didn't do the toy any favours, and does look better without.

Like the Century 21 Spectrum Patrol Car, with it's additional luggage, the Angel comes with a few detachable extras, guaranteed to get lost fairly sharpish if junior isn't careful.

Apart from the friction motor, there's the detachable nose which has a blunted balled tip for obvious safety reasons. It comes with a set of spring-loaded missiles  (probably 4 or 5 originally) which, in good ol' sixties fashion totally disregards safety.  It also comes with a spare front landing skid, as that's detachable too.

Another unique feature is the removable female Angel pilot , which is inserted below the canopy just like in the series.  These's even a few dials on the cockpit dashboard.

In fact, there's quite a bit of detail on this toy, unfortunately the only drawback is how fragile it is, and the fact that getting hold of one that isn't missing parts could be a problem.


I've been enjoying the unseasonably hot weather here in the UK this week, especially after work! My Missus is struggling in the heat so has a rest in the cool upstairs so to keep the noise down I relax in the garden with the dog for a couple of hours till tea-time.

Alas my blogging and answering comments/ emails is suffering. I hope to catch up soon.

Its baking in the garden so Blue and me head for the shade offered by two large parasols and an old drooping crab apple. Thus cooled and loafing on the sun lounger I've been relaxing with a book.

My current novel is The Hatching by Ezekial Boone, which my older brother Steve recommended. Just like Steve and his gothic passions the Hatching is right up my creepy alley too.

Like those terrific pulp killer bug paperbacks of the 70's and 80's by the likes of Guy N. Smith, Boone's book is a pest-fest of spider mayhem on a global scale. Arachnogeddon!

Alas the summer heat seems to massage my eyelids shut and I often fall asleep reading! It is incredibly hot for Britain at 300C. Today was the hottest day of 2018 and amazingly there are moorland wildfires in Lancashire. I can well imagine record-breaking temperatures in July or August this year.

Super hot weather makes me think of one my favourite disaster films, which I only recently watched again free on You Tube, The Day The Earth Caught Fire.

Made and set in 1950's London this black and white gem concerns itself with the environmental fears of the cold war: nuclear tests, missiles and the Earth's orbit. 

The film is told through the eyes of hard-pressed and dehydrating newspaper journalists at one particular paper. The combination of the hacks buckling in the heat trying to uncover the truth and the increasingly catastrophic weather events around the world makes for a fascinating and exciting disaster movie, intelligently made and convincingly set. Almost SWORDesque!

If you like films about investigative journalism like All The Presidents Men and Spotlight you should like The Day The Earth Caught Fire.

Have you seen it?


Lots of interesting stuff in these scanned catalogue pages Bill B sent me ages ago.

The yellow 8WD vehicles on the right are Earthworms as far I can tell.

The red and white recovery truck on the right could be very similar to the Century 21 version shown below.

Here's a similar Marx version

Have you got a wrecker truck?

Monday, 25 June 2018


The  rather splendid Spectrum Patrol Car, one of the three friction drive Spectrum vehicles released by Century 21.

Mine isn't a minter, but its good enough for me. It's got most of the additional luggage and it's fin, although the aerial is from an additional radio that came with it.

At some point in its life someone decided to paint the centre of the wheel hubs black. I've been meaning to dab a bit of chrome paint on them ever since I got the toy several years ago, but never got round to it.

Like most of the Century 21 toys it's a tad fragile. The spring-loaded opening passenger doors can come right off, the rear gull-wing doors are pretty loose, and the driver is removable. Once again, I'm amazed how many have survived the years.

The box lists the features. The front headlight covers fold down to reveal spring-loaded missiles, and there's a 'powerful' friction motor. It  also comes with what's described as 'dummy luggage'.

A tiny Mysteron Detector which looks pretty good, and tiny radio.

A couple of suitcases (the small grey one came with it but I reckon its an additional extra) and some missiles. Mine came with two missiles, but I believe it would have originally had five. These would have originally come wrapped in a small leaflet telling the owner to take care of the model and read the adventures of Captain Scarlet in TV21.


A small recognition of Jack Rosenthal on his birthday today.

If you haven't seen it yet, his page on the Spacex website has recently had an update

based on information from his daughter Ruth which is linked from lower down that page as well.

I raise my glass with cheers to a wonderful man

Paul V


In a Nutshell: The Investigator, a being from another galaxy, chooses a boy and a girl, John and Julie, to help him right wrongs on Earth, miniaturising them to help them in their missions. Models Created by Reg Hill. 

Coast Guard Amphibious Missile Launch was Dinky Toys #674 and  released in the UK 1977 to 1978. It had a white painted metal body with red plastic parts. Rolling wheels. Spring launched missile. Not identified as such by Dinky but this is the boat from Gerry Anderson's TV pilot.  Apparently only available for 1 year by Dinky with no variations in the box or the contents.

Do you have a toy like this?

Do you like the Investigator?